Compensation and Benefits
Why Companies Shouldn’t Necessarily Fear Higher Employee Turnover
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Francesca Cornelli, Simintzi Elena Team Stability and Performance – Evidence from Private...
Compensation and Benefits
Do Manager Training Programs Boost Companies’ Productivity? How Effective is Establishing Performance Incentive Schemes and Clarifying Job Duties?
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Assistant Professor of Strategy Nicola Bianchi and Michela Giorcelli. Value of Management...
Compensation and Benefits
How to measure performance and to apply it into a simple performance based pay contract
Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, George Georgiadis, Associate Professor of Strategy Evaluating Performance and Using Simple Performance...
Compensation and Benefits
The Influence of Negative Incentive on Mice Learning Curve
Topic: Would higher electric shock will cause mice to learn faster how to to go through a maze....
Compensation and Benefits
The concept of Meaning drives performance (II)
Topic: People are performing better when their work has even the simplest meaning. Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of...
Compensation and Benefits
The concept of Meaning drives performance (I)
Topic: People are performing better when their work has even the simplest meaning. Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of...
Compensation and Benefits
Research and Discussion Supporting Pay for Performance Practices
See George Milkovich, Jerry Newman, “Compensation”, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 8th edition, Page 271-279.
Compensation and Benefits
Link between Performance and Pay/Promotion has Positive Impact on Financial Measurements
Topic: How tying performance appraisal results influence turnover and productivity Researchers: Mark A. Huselid, Professor of HR Strategy...
Compensation and Benefits
People Miss What Goes Around – Especially When Concentrating on a Certain Thing Description of Experiment a. In a short video, 3 people with White shirt and 3 people with...
Compensation and Benefits
Changing Social Norms – Reward vs. Punishment
Topic: How effective are reward incentives, versus punishment, when trying to change social norms Researchers: Florian Herold, an...
Compensation and Benefits
Higher Executives’ Pay Lead to Maltreatment to Employees
Topic: How higher executives’ pay effect the way they treat employees. Researchers: Sreedhari Desai (Graduate Research Fellow, Harvard...
Compensation and Benefits
The Price of ‘Free of Charge’
Topic: People tendency to irrationally prefer ‘free of charge’ propositions Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke...
Compensation and Benefits
Executives’ Pay Increased Due to Publications of their Peers’ Pay
Topic: How business executives are influenced by their peers’ pay Main Conclusion: Business executives pay was increased due...
Compensation and Benefits
Monkeys Reject Unequal Pay
Topic: How monkeys respond to unequal incentives Researchers: Sarah F. Brosnan (assistant professor of Psychology, Georgia State University, US)...
Compensation and Benefits
Brain Scanner Record Reaction to Rewards Like Other Addictive Substances Addictive Reaction Makes People More Prone to Make Risky Decisions
Topic: How reward show on a brain scanner Researchers: Brian Knutson (Associate Professor ofPsychology & Neuroscience, Stanford University, US), Charles M....
Compensation and Benefits
The Addictive Nature of Rewards
Topic: How rewards may create addiction Researchers: Anton Suvorov, Assistant Professor at the New Economic School, Russia Year: 2003 Formal...
Compensation and Benefits
Pay Enough or Don’t Pay At All
Topic: The effect of monetary reward on performance Researchers: Uri Gneezy (Professor of Management and Strategy, University of California, US)...
Compensation and Benefits
Monetary Fine Encourage Parents to Pick Their Child Late from Daycare
Topic: How a monetary fine may influence parents propensity to pick their child late from the daycare Researchers: Uri Gneezy...
Compensation and Benefits
Monetary Reward Decrease People’s Motivation to Give Blood
Topic: How the introduction of monetary reward may influence people’s inclination to give blood Researchers: Carl Mellström (Göteborg University, Sweden),...
Compensation and Benefits
Commissioned Artwork Rated as Less Creative
Topic: How does the fact that an artwork was commissioned influence its quality (from creative and technical quality aspects)...
Compensation and Benefits
Introduction of Monetary Incentives Damage Creativity-Related Performance
Topic: How monetary incentive influence people’s creativity Researchers: Sam Glucksberg, Professor of Psychology, Princeton University, US Published By: Journal of Experimental...
Compensation and Benefits
Public Scrutiny Effect on Performance
Topic: How public scrutiny (as a type of reward) influence performance Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University,...
Compensation and Benefits
Incentive Effect on Performance of Mechanical Tasks Relative to Cognitive Skills Tasks
Topic: How the level of monetary incentive influence performance for mechanical and cognitive skills tasks Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of...
Compensation and Benefits
Higher Incentive Leading to Worse Performance
Topic: How the level of monetary incentive influence performance Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University, US), Uri...
Compensation and Benefits
Children’s Motivation Undermined by Reward
Topic: How reward influence motivation Researchers: Mark Lepper (Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, US), David Greene, and Robert Nisbett...
Compensation and Benefits
Incentive Effect on Performance of Mechanical Tasks Relative to Cognitive Skills Tasks
Topic: How the level of monetary incentive influence performance for mechanical and cognitive skills tasks Researchers: Dan Ariely (Professor of...
Compensation and Benefits
Monetary Reward Damages Intrinsic Drive
Topic: Relationship between motivation drives. Researchers: Edward L. Deci, Professor of Psychology and Social Science, University of Rochester, US. Published...
Compensation and Benefits
Monkeys Driven by Non-Biological Intrinsic Drive
Topic: Motivation Sources Researchers: Harry F. Harlow (Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, US), Margaret Kuenne Harlow, and...
Compensation and Benefits
External Reward Undermine intrinsic Motivation – Study of Studies
Topic: Tangible reward effect on intrinsic motivation Researchers: Edward L. Deci (Professor of Psychology and Social Science, University of Rochester,...